Francis Bacon once said: “Knowledge is power.”
This proverb remains relevant and effective even nowadays. Still, we may discuss for a while what the sayings stands for. Is this information about the world or particular people? What kind of power do people get with obtained knowledge?
Here, another proverb comes to mind: “The more you know, the less you understand.” Therefore, not all sorts are efficient. Raw facts are not supposed to make a man wiser. Understanding of the essence really matters. Firstly, the person has to absorb information, and then there is a necessity to analyse and convert it. Under such circumstances the data becomes useful.
One thing is clear – an intelligent person will always have a huge advantage over other people. His personality is integral, so that the individual is determined, well-rounded and smart. Education is the path to success. If it is clear for the human, he is going to achieve a lot.
Luckily, current world enables us to get different information via modern sources. We have no obstacles towards progress and prosperous future. Mankind gets more powerful with the time under the condition it doesn’t stop accepting knowledge.