It is logical to start measuring the history of state system since the early 1990s. That was a period of considerable and rapid changes in Ukraine. The 24th of August, 1991 is a remarkable date for the country. This day the independence was proclaimed. Ukraine is a sovereign country as it has own government, territories, […]
The territory of Ukraine includes land, water, mineral resources and air space within the state borders. Apart from own territory Ukraine has its government, currency, national emblem, anthem and state flag. Ukraine got its independence on the 24th of August, 1991. The citizens of Ukraine obey the laws written in the constitution. The main legislative […]
Family is the most crucial unit of any society. Relationships between members of the family are the strongest ones. Nobody can support each other better than parents, siblings, married couples and children. Still, all the problems and complexes also arise here. As you see, healthy basement is essential for normal development.
Личные местоимения в английском языке используются с функцией указать на особу или предмет, не называя их.
Mass Media is the source of information and news. The sources of information are newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, the Internet and others. With the help of them we are able to know what is going on in the world. A person in Africa finds out about Oktoberfest in Munich. American inhabitants hear that North Korea […]
На самом деле, разницу не так легко уловить, так как отличие незначительное. Словом «furniture» в английском языке называют большие предметы мебели – диван, стол, шкаф, стулья, кресла и т.д. А «furnishing» подходит для обозначения мелких деталей интерьера, таких как вазы, картины, растения, покрывала, подушки и прочее. Другими словами, различие употребления зависит от масштаба.
Mass media refers to the press, radio, television, the Internet, social networks and so on. They are means of mass communication. To live in society and skip all sorts of news and information is impossible so people select the most convenient ones and follow them. Elderly people prefer to read newspapers and watch TV, our […]
Internet is the largest communication network. People use it to watch movies, download books, chat with others, play games, pay the bills, get useful information and work online. No doubt, the Internet has become one of the biggest human developments. It makes our life easy and convenient. World Wide Web captures more and more users […]
Computer games have become a significant part of kids’ life. Unlimited access to computers motivates them try out everything that modern technologies can give. Not all those things have positive effect on the children’s development. Still, games remain popular due to some positive effects they have as well.
I can hardly imagine myself without a mobile phone. However, people used to live without them 50 years ago. Now, everyone has a gadget which helps to keep in touch with others around the world. Modern phones can compete with computers as their features and tools enable person to surf the Internet, play games, use […]